[Wow Mailz] Valentine Day Messages


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if i could die early i would ask God if i could be your guardian angel, so i could
wrap my wings around you and embraces you whenever you feel alone...

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it is hard to talk when your in love because when i look into your beautiful i get
my breath taken away

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R.for red ,red for blood ,blood for heart, heart for love, love for u ,u for me,
me is u , I love u

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Ur my strength, My luv, My heart.Ur luvn touch i long 4 so mch,Ur voice so
softly dat whispers i'm ur's 4ever b mine my baby "I LOVE U"

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ill drop a tear drop into the ocean & the day i find that tear drop is the day
i stop loving u!

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baby i have an addiction problem.people say i shud go to rehab but I
always tell the m i dont wanna go cause im addicted to ... YOU

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one day the moon sed 2 me, if ur lover makes u cry why dont you leave ur
lover.. i looked at the moon n replied would u every leave ur sky?

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When u feel alone just look at the spaces between ur fingers remeber that
in those spaces u can c my fingers locked with urs 4ever!!!

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there was an headcount of angels in heaven, pandemonium strucked
discoverin dat an angel is missing, pls call heaven & tell dem ur safe wit me,
my sweet angel

I am in da emergency room now talk'n to da doctor he says it doesn't look
good he says I am going to die... If I ever stop loving YOU!

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i wish i was ur blanket,i wish i was ur bed, i wish i was ur pillow underneath ur head,i
wanna b around u,i wanna hold u tight, & b the lucky person who kisses u goodnite

8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning... i love you

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Uve won my luv now I luv u.This heart of mine I give 2 u.So keep it safe as i have
done.For u have 2 and i have none!

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There are a million stars and a million dreams, you are the only star for me, the
only dream i dream

i dont have the measels, i am not confined to bed, asperin wont help coz i aint my
head, i dont have back ache or the flu, its more serious...i am missin u!

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Ull always be mine 4 now & 4ever.Ull always be mine 4 u r my treasure.Ull always
be mine please tell me its true.Please be mine 4ever ill always luv u

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In the morning I do not eat because I think of you,
at noon I do not eat because I think of you,
in the evening I do not eat because I think of you,
at night I do not sleep because I am hungry.

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If u read,u owe me a HUG,
if u delete,u Owe me a KISS,
if u save,u owe me a DATE,
if u return txt msg 2 me,
u OWE me All,
bt if u ignore,
U r MINe!
So wat will U do?

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Posted By Nicest Blogger to Wow Mailz at 2/09/2009 10:50:00 AM